Lc3 Antibody Goat

Goat anti-RFPL2 and RFPL3 Antibody

dAP-0138 50ug
EUR 264.6

Goat Antibody Laboratories manufactures the lc3 antibody goat reagents distributed by Genprice. The Lc3 Antibody Goat reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact goat Antibody. Other Lc3 products are available in stock. Specificity: Lc3 Category: Antibody Group: Goat

Goat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3020

Goat True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 690

Goat True Insulin (TI) ELISA Kit

EUR 3545

Goat True Insulin (TI) ELISA Kit

EUR 310

Goat True Insulin (TI) ELISA Kit

EUR 1940

Goat True Insulin (TI) ELISA Kit

EUR 475

Goat True Insulin(TI) ELISA Kit

EUR 528
Description: Sandwich ELISA

Goat information

LC3 Antibody

MBS8504332-01mLAF405L 0.1mL(AF405L)
EUR 565

LC3 Antibody

MBS8504332-01mLAF405S 0.1mL(AF405S)
EUR 565

LC3 Antibody

MBS8504332-01mLAF610 0.1mL(AF610)
EUR 565

LC3 Antibody

MBS8504332-01mLAF635 0.1mL(AF635)
EUR 565

LC3 Antibody

MBS8511681-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 235

LC3 Antibody

MBS8511681-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 305

LC3 Antibody

MBS8511681-01mLAF405M 0.1mL(AF405M)
EUR 465

LC3 Antibody

MBS8511681-01mLAF546 0.1mL(AF546)
EUR 465

LC3 Antibody

MBS8511681-01mLAF750 0.1mL(AF750)
EUR 465

LC3 antibody

MBS9409109-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 315

LC3 antibody

MBS9409109-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 455

LC3 antibody

MBS9409109-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1910

anti- LC3 antibody

FNab04717 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against LC3

LC3 Antibody (APG8)

E45M04366G-1 100 ul
EUR 395

LC3 Antibody (APG8)

E45M04366G-4 50 ul
EUR 295

LC3 Antibody (APG8)

MBS9200215-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 210

LC3 Antibody (APG8)

MBS9200215-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 430